Saturday, November 17, 2012

21 Weeks!

How far along: 21 weeks!
Size of baby: Carrot, 12.7 ounces and baby is 10.5 inches long! Baby is measuring bigger. 2 weeks bigger to be exact. My midwife said that each baby grows differently, but if by the next appt. I am still measuring 2 weeks bigger she will bump up my due date. So we will see...
Maternity clothes: A little of both :) Pants for sure, but sweaters not so much.
Gender: ??? This baby will be a surprise! I have no idea if this is a boy or a girl...I am at a complete loss, I thought for sure it was a boy and now I don't know. What I do know is that I will be having a baby :)
Movement: Yep! This little one is moving and twirling and punching and hiccuping and it is nothing but wonderful! Sometimes baby's movements are strong enough that they hurt just a little.
Sleep: I find myself readjusting a lot in the middle of the night but otherwise good.
Exercise: walking on an incline, kick boxing, minimal weight training, yoga, and prenatal pilates
What I miss: running, sleeping comfortably, not needing to pee every 30 minutes
Cravings: sandwiches, berries, whipped cream and pumpkin pie and yes sometimes all together :)
Aversions: pasta (really any sort of pasta) with red sauce
Symptoms: HUNGRY. ALL. THE. TIME. This week I am tired! I have had some major stretching pain as well. I have been having some braxton hicks, I spoke with my midwife and she told me not to worry unless I have 4 in an hour. Sometimes they take my breath away...she reminded me that its my body saying to maybe sit down and take a break. Oh, and my back is beginning to ache :(
Best moment this week: Seeing my midwife and hearing baby's heart just beating away. I also had a dream the other night that I had given birth at home to a baby girl. It seemed to make things seem so much more real. I mean, yes I know that a baby is coming but I just made it seem, I don't know...real!

Bare Belly Pic:

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